NAOC Post-Conference Survey

Participate in the 2020 Post-NAOC Survey!

We look forward to hearing from you, whether or not you joined us for the virtual North American Ornithological Conference (NAOC) 2020 last month.

The survey will take attendees less than ten minutes to complete (and only 30 seconds for non-attendees!). The NAOC and other annual ornithological meetings are some of the primary ways we serve our members, providing opportunities for networking, professional development, and sharing of the latest ornithological research, but we need your input to make these events the best they can be. This year’s virtual format presented unique challenges, and we’d like to know from you what worked and what didn’t.

We’re asking you to complete this year’s post-meeting survey to let us know how we did and how we can improve! If you receive an invitation to complete this survey from multiple societies, we ask that you choose just one, and not send in multiple surveys.

The survey closes on 10 October 2020, at 11:59 pm EDT.

Thank you for participating, and feel free to reply to this email with any questions.


Tom Sherry and Jim Chace
NAOC 2020 Steering Committee Co-Chairs

eBirding Competition

This “competition” is open to everybody, and to win you don’t need to see the most birds or get the most lifers – you just need to get out birding and submit three (or more) qualifying checklists during the conference. Here are the details:

  1. If you don’t already have an eBird account, go to eBird and sign up. You might also want to go to the appropriate store for your phone/device and download the eBird app so that you can enter your list as you bird.
  2. During the conference go out birding at least three times. Submit a complete eBird checklist for each time out. Report all species you could identify by sight or sound and include counts for each species. For a checklist to qualify, it must be complete, and must have counts for all species (no X’s).
  3. If you are able to, attach photos and/or audio recordings to at least one of your checklists to increase your chances of winning (and the more the better!). For instructions on how to attach media to an eBird checklist, go here.
  4. IMPORTANT: Each list needs to be shared with user “NAOC2020” as well as anybody else in your birding party (this is how we keep track of the lists submitted for this competition).
  5. Everybody who has their name on three or more submitted checklists will be entered into the drawing for the final prize – merchandise from NAOC and eBird!
  6. The drawing will happen at the closing event. No need to be present to win, but you will want to be at the event because it will be a lot of fun!